
Speed Up Your Slow Internet in Minutes: Simple Fixes for a Frustrating Problem

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We have become so accustomed to fast Internet connections and reliable connections that we become extremely frustrated when things slow down. When you fire up your computer, your tablet or your smart phone, you expect it to connect to the Internet immediately, you trust that those connections will be stable and reliable and you expect every page you visit to load quickly. If those expectations match your reality, you have nothing to worry about.…

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Security Systems: Features to Look For When Buying a Security Camera

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The technology used in video security has grown in leaps and bounds over the years. This has provided homeowners with an assortment of features to choose from when they are considering video surveillance for their home. However, due to how long a laundry list of features that you can choose from, it may seem daunting for some people to make a decision on what security systems would best suit their needs.…

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How Your Company Can Reap the Benefits of Remote-Access IT Support

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Traditional computer services have traditionally gone one of two ways: Firstly, companies and schools often have their own in-house IT department. The advantages of this are obvious. For one thing, being able to have qualified technicians physically inspect and evaluate a person’s computer in a personable way is a useful function. The second option has traditionally been to call people in when a problem arises. This solution is good for problems that occur infrequently (due to not having to employ a full-time staff roster), but it isn’t practical for a long-term strategy, as an increased hourly rate and wait time makes it infeasible for businesses that require constant and timely support.…

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Safe and Secure: 3 Reasons You Should Consider Security Screens for Your Home

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No doubt about it — home security is a big concern for many families.  Whether you’re concerned about serious crime such as break-ins, or just mindless vandalism, there are a wide variety of options out there for helping to safeguard your home against unwanted attacks.  Many people choose to install intruder alarms or CCTV — or both.  However, another option you may like to consider is having security screens fitted to your home.…

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How Should I Deal With A Broken Colour Photocopier?

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Colour photocopiers are universally used in offices, schools and government buildings. In many settings, they’re a real necessity, and it can be a huge setback when your photocopier stops working or is broken; in some situations you might not realise how many copies you make until you can’t anymore. As such, it’s incredibly useful to know what to do in case your colour photocopier needs repair quickly. Here’s what you should keep in mind.…

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Upgrade Your Office With Pin Boards and Mobile Whiteboards

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For many years, flipcharts were the standard for any business meetings, presentations or other such events that involved having notes or illustrations to make a point. The fact that they’re portable means that they can easily be brought into any room when needed. However, they weren’t without issues. Tearing off many sheets of paper is both noisy and bad for the environment. Not to mention, constantly buying refill paper can become quite expensive.…

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How To Improve the Connectivity of Your Home

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According to government research, there are in the region of 13 million internet connections in Australia, many of them in private homes. The most noteworthy statistic is that around 90,000 Australians still subscribe to internet services through dial-up connections. The first thing you can do to improve the connectivity of your home if you use a dial-up modem is to opt for a satellite or DSL service. DSL is usually referred to simply as broadband by most consumers and ISPs (internet service providers) and is delivered to the home over a fixed-line telephone connection.…

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How to Draw More Parents to Your Day Care with Tech Upgrades

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Are you struggling to attract parents to your daycare? Make sure you’re not “stuck in the past”. Every day, new technology and electronics are being invented to fulfil the needs and desires of everyone in the population, including parents and guardians. Not having the right gadgets or software at your disposal could make prospective mums, dads, and children flock to your competition. Here are 2 essential upgrades your daycare needs if you want to increase your clientèle and boost your revenue.…

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Turn Up the Sound: Tips for Making Your Speakers Sound Louder

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If you are throwing a party but you are worried that your speakers are not loud enough, you may be wondering if you need to donate your existing speakers and buy new ones. To turn up the volume, you could trade-in your existing speakers, or you could take steps to amplify their sound. Take a look at these tips: 1. Take the speakers off the bookshelf While setting up for your party, consider moving your speakers.…

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